Parche 7.2: Guia Preview Tumba de Sargeras

Guia Preview TombOfSargeras


  • Vista Previa – Goroth gana energía vil continuamente hasta que desata  [Infernal Burning], diezmando a cualquier jugador al que alcance. Utiliza [Infernal Spikes] para sobrevivir a [Infernal Burning] y a [Shattering Star].

    En dificultad Mítica, Infernal Spikes explotan cuando son destruidas inflingiendo daño a toda la raid.

  • TankBurning Armor – Inflinge 1100000 de daño de fuego cada 2 seg durante 6 seg. Al expirar, Burning Armor explota infligiendo de 1425000 a 1575000 de daño de fuego y aplicando Melted Armor a todos los enemigos en un raido de 25 metros.    TankMelted Armor – Incrementa todo el daño recibido un 100%.

  • Crashing Comet – Goroth marca a 3 enemigos con Crashing Comet, inflingiendo de 1267500 a 1332500 de daño de fuego a todos los enemigos en 10m. Esta explosión destruye los pilares.
  • Infernal Spike – Infernal Spikes erupcionan del suelo infingiendo de 1268000 a 1512000 de daño de fuego a cualquiera en el area.

    En dificultad Mítica, cuando un Infernal Spike es destruido, explota causando de 434000 a 455000 de daño de fuego.

  • Shattering Star – Goroth selecciona un objetivo y le lanza una Shattering Star tras 6 seg, inflingiendo 2500000 de daño de fuego a todos los enemigos en 200m. Este daño se reduce por cada Infernal Spike con los que Shattering Star choque.

    Cualquier otro objetivo golpeado por Shattering Star mientras viaja hacia su objetivo recibe de 715000 a 790000 de daño de fuego.

  • DeadlyInfernal Burning – Goroth incendia a cualquiera al que vea, inflingiendo de 3610000 a 3800000 de daño de fuego al momento y 1480000 de daño de fuego cada 2 seg durante 10 seg.
  • ImportantFel Eruption – Lava vil erupciona de los bordes de la sala, dejando charcos que inflingen 450000 de daño de fuego cada segundo.
  • ImportantRain of Brimstone – Goroth infoca 4 meteoritos, cada uno inflinge 8890000 de daño de fuego dividido entre cada uno de los objetivos a los que golpee. Un Brimstone Infernal será invocado si un meteorito no golpea ningún objetivo.

    • ImportantBrimstone Infernal

      • ImportantFel Fire – Incendia el area que rodea al taumaturgo, inflingiendo (2,2% de pder de hechizo) de daño de fuego a todos los enemigos cercanos cada segundo. Dura 8 seg.
  • Overview – Stick together in order to spread out the damage done by [Unchecked Rage]. Try to keep the amount of [Drenched] stacks you have low in order to reduce the damage taken from all sources of Frost damage throughout the fight.
  • TankAbrasive Armor – Rough armor edges scrape against the target, causing attacks made by the caster to have a chance to cause Jagged Abrasion.
    • TankJagged Abrasion – Bleeds the target for 480000 Physical damage every 2 sec for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Unchecked Rage – At 100 energy, the caster releases all their built-up rage, inflicting 16000000 Physical damage, split between all enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
  • Commanding Roar – Lets out a deafening roar, calling to near by allies to join the fight.

    At 66% and 33% health, Harjatan the Bludger calls in one additional murloc.

    • Razorjaw Wavemender
      • Watery Splash – Splashes the target with water, inflicting 585000 to 615000 Frost damage and applying a stack of Drenched.
        • ImportantDrenched – Drenches the target, inflicting 97500 to 102500 Frost damage every 2 sec increasing Frost damage taken by 5%. Stacks.
      • Aqueous Burst – Cover an enemy with conductive water which lasts 6 sec. Upon expiration, the water explodes, inflicting 536250 to 563750 Frost damage to all nearby enemies and leaving a pool of Drenching Waters at the enemy’s location.
        • Drenching Waters – Inflicts 146250 to 153750 Frost damage every 1 sec, and increases stacks of Drenched on the enemy.
          • ImportantDrenched – Drenches the target, inflicting 97500 to 102500 Frost damage every 2 sec increasing Frost damage taken by 5%. Stacks.
      • InterruptibleTend Wounds – Tends to the target’s wounds, healing them for 2% of their health every 3 sec for 12 sec.
    • Razorjaw Gladiator
      • Dripping Blade – Enchants the caster’s weapon, causing melee attacks to apply Drenched to the target.
        • ImportantDrenched – Drenches the target, inflicting 97500 to 102500 Frost damage every 2 sec increasing Frost damage taken by 5%. Stacks.
      • Driven Assault – Fixates on a target, attacking them to the exclusion of other targets. Additionally, the Deeptide Gladiator’s Physical damage done is increased by 50% and their movement speed is decreased by 25%.
      • Splashy Cleave – Swings wildly, inflicting 414375 to 435625 Physical damage and applying Drenched to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
        • ImportantDrenched – Drenches the target, inflicting 97500 to 102500 Frost damage every 2 sec increasing Frost damage taken by 5%. Stacks.
    • Darkscale Taskmaster
      • Bring To Task – Brings all allies within 10 yards in line, increasing their damage done by 100.
        • Focused – The Darkscale Taskmaster’s presence focuses Harjatan the Bludger and all nearby murlocs, increasing their damage done by 100%.

          If Harjatan the Bludger or any murloc moves away from the Darkscale Taskmater, they are no longer focused, leaving them with Lingering Focus.

          • Lingering Focus – The target remains focused for a little while longer, increasing damage done by 100% for 10 sec.
      • Frosty Spittle – Spits out a icy blast, inflicting 600000 Frost damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
  • Draw In – Draws in all pools of Drenching Waters to Harjatan the Bludger for 10 sec, adding a stack of Frigid Blows for each pool absorbed.
  • ImportantFrigid Blows – Empowered by frozen waters, causing melee attacks to deal 316875 to 333125 Frost damage to all nearby enemies.
    Each melee attack also triggers Drenching Slough, removing a stack of Frigid Blows.
    Once all stacks are expended, Frosty Discharge is cast.
    • ImportantDrenching Slough – With each strike, a portion of the gathered frozen water falls off, targeting a random enemy’s location. Upon reaching its destination, it inflicts 585000 to 615000 Frost damage to all nearby enemies and leaves behind a pool of Drenching Waters.
      • Drenching Waters – Inflicts 146250 to 153750 Frost damage every 1 sec, and increases stacks of Drenched on the enemy.
        • ImportantDrenched – Drenches the target, inflicting 97500 to 102500 Frost damage every 2 sec increasing Frost damage taken by 5%. Stacks.
    • ImportantFrosty Discharge – Releases the last drops of all stored water, inflicting 239926 Frost damage and removing all stacks of Drenched on all enemies.
  • Incubated Egg – At set points throughout the fight, Incubated Eggs will begin Hatching.
  • Overview – Handpicked to watch over the flooded passageways, Mistress Sassz’ine stands ready to retrieve the Tidestone from those foolish enough to enter her domain.
  • ImportantDelicious Bufferfish – Picking up a Delicious Bufferfish grants an additional 2% damage dealt. Healers instead restore 500 mana every 1 sec. These effects increase every 5 sec, up to 50 stacks.
    Taking any damage causes the Delicious Bufferfish to drop onto the ground.
    • DeadlyDread Shark – A Dread Shark may catch the scent of a Delicious Bufferfish! It will devour the Bufferfish and all players within 10 yds after 6 sec.
  • ImportantHydra Shot – Marks players for a piercing Hydra Shot. After 6 sec, each arrow inflicts 2700000 Physical damage to all targets up to that player, split among those struck. Each player struck also gains a stack of Hydra Acid.
    • Hydra Acid – Hydra acid covers a target, inflicting 124800 Nature damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. This effect stacks and stuns for 6 sec upon reaching 2 or more stacks.
  • TankBurden of Pain – Curses a target with wracking pain. 100% of all Physical damage the player suffers while the curse is in effect is additionally shared to all other players.
  • From the Abyss – Beckon forth three Abyss Stalkers from the depths.
    • TankAbyss Stalker – Abyss Stalkers’ melee attacks inflict shadow damage to their target instead of physical damage.
      • Dark Depths – Step through the shadows, striking a random player with Jaws from the Deep.
        • Jaws from the Deep – Bites a player, inflicting 245700 to 258300 Shadow damage immediately with an additional 212940 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 4 sec.
      • Concealing Murk – Upon death, Abyss Stalkers release a cloud of Concealing Murk for 20 sec. Players within the cloud suffer 233220 Shadow damage every 2 sec and have their hit chance reduced by 75%.

Stage One: Ten Thousand Fangs

Thousands of creatures rise from the depths of the ocean to assist their mistress.

  • DeadlySlicing Tornado – Slicing tornados sweep across the platform, inflicting 288600 Physical damage every 1 sec for 20 sec.
    A Slicing Tornado coming into contact with Concealing Murk reduces its efficacy.
  • MagicThundering Shock – Jellyfish rise up from the waters, charging up to inflict 1512225 to 1589775 Nature damage and stun players within 6 yds for 4 sec.
    Striking a murloc with Thundering Shock knocks it off a player and makes it vulnerable to attack.
  • Consuming Hunger – Beckons forth several Razorjaw Waverunners, which attach themselves to players, inflicting 312741 Physical damage every 2 sec.
    Being struck with Thundering Shock knocks the murloc off of the target, making it vulnerable to attack.
    • Water Blast – Murlocs shoot water at players at low range, inflicting 682500 to 717500 Frost damage.

Stage Two: Terrors of the Deep

Deep sea leviathans approach and answer the call of their master.

  • ImportantBeckon Sarukel – Mistress Sassz’ine calls forth Sarukel, the Unending Hunger to swallow everything whole.
    • ImportantDevouring Maw – Sarukel opens his maw, sucking in all players and inflicting 364000 Frost damage every 2 sec. If a player comes within 15 yds of Sarukel, they are devoured whole. Upon inhaling 3 Befouling Ink clouds, Sarukel becomes disgusted and flees.
  • Summon Ossunet – Mistress Sassz’ine calls forth Ossunet, the Darkness to obstruct her foes.
    • Befouling Ink – Ossunet sprays ink clouds about, sticking to players who enter them. Ink clouds inflict 450450 Shadow damage every 2 sec, reducing movement speed by 60% and can be carried to Sarukel, The Unending Hunger to drive him away.
  • Call Vellius – Mistress Sassz’ine calls forth Vellius, the Drowning Tide to smash her enemies.
    • Crashing Wave – Vellius crashes through the area, inflicting 2916000 Frost damage to all players he comes in contact with, knocking them back.

Stage Three: Vast Oceans of Wrath

Mistress Sassz’ine uses her full powers to wipe away her enemies.

  • Summon Ossunet – Mistress Sassz’ine calls forth Ossunet, the Darkness to obstruct her foes.
    • Befouling Ink – Ossunet sprays ink clouds about, sticking to players who enter them. Ink clouds inflict 450450 Shadow damage every 2 sec, reducing movement speed by 60% and can be carried to Sarukel, The Unending Hunger to drive him away.
  • Call Vellius – Mistress Sassz’ine calls forth Vellius, the Drowning Tide to smash her enemies.
    • Crashing Wave – Vellius crashes through the area, inflicting 2916000 Frost damage to all players he comes in contact with, knocking them back.
  • Consuming Hunger – Beckons forth several Razorjaw Waverunners, which attach themselves to players, inflicting 312741 Physical damage every 2 sec.
    Being struck with Thundering Shock knocks the murloc off of the target, making it vulnerable to attack.
    • Water Blast – Murlocs shoot water at players at low range, inflicting 682500 to 717500 Frost damage.
  • DeadlySlicing Tornado – Slicing tornados sweep across the platform, inflicting 288600 Physical damage every 1 sec for 20 sec.
    A Slicing Tornado coming into contact with Concealing Murk reduces its efficacy.
  • Overview – The Sisters of the Moon are trapped in a fading incorporal state, bound together and sharing health. Between them they maintain only enough power to sustain the physical form of one of them at a time.
    Huntress Kasparian initiates the fight, followed by Captain Yathae Moonstrke at 70% health remaining, and then followed by Priestess Lunaspyre at 40% health remaining.
    The floor of the [Font of Elune] is a projected moon that changes through the moon phases. At Full Moon and Empty Moon the [Font of Elune] empowers the incorporeal Sisters of the Moon to use [Glaive Storm], [Incorporeal Shot], and [Embrace of the Eclipse].

    In Mythic difficulty, Astral Expulsion inflicts raid wide damage when players move to a different side of the moon.

  • ImportantFont of Elune – The floor of the font continually changes through the phases of the moon. Standing on the light side of the moon will stack Lunar Suffusion every 3 sec, while standing on the dark side of the moon will stack Umbra Suffusion every 3 sec. Switching from one side of the moon to the other clears all stacks of suffusion and triggers Astral Expulsion.
  • Huntress Kasparian
    • ImportantGlaive Storm – Throws a glaive that shatters into multiple glaives, each inflicting 855000 to 945000 Arcane damage to everyone hit.
    • Twilight Glaive – Throws a glaive at a target, inflicting 1425000 to 1575000 Shadow damage to anyone it hits before returning to the caster.
    • TankMoon Glaive – Throws a glaive that bounces between up to 3 targets, inflicting 8.75e+06 Physical damage total. The first target hit has Discorporate applied to them, decreasing all healing taken by 50%.
    • TankSpectral Glaive – Throws a spectral glaive that bounces between up to 3 targets, inflicting 487500 to 512500 Spellshadow damage.
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike
    • ImportantIncorporeal Shot – Captain Yathae Moonstrike aims a Incorporeal Shot at her target, inflicting 10000000 Shadow damage to the target after 6 sec.
      Players can move between her and her target, disrupting her aim and causing the damage inflicted to be split among all intercepting players and the target.
    • ImportantCall Moontalon – Captain Yathae Moonstrike calls Moontalon to fight at her side.
      • ImportantMoontalon
        • ImportantDeathly Screech – Moontalon screeches inflicting 400000 Shadow damage to all nearby enemies. This damage increases by 25% every time it is cast.
    • Twilight Volley – Shadow arrows rain from the sky, inflicting 600000 Shadow damage every 1 sec.
    • Rapid Shot – Captain Yathae Moonstrike focuses fire on a target, inflicting 500000 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec for 5 sec.
    • Shadow Shot – Fires a arrow inflicting 585000 to 615000 Shadow damage.
  • Priestess Lunaspyre
    • ImportantEmbrace of the Eclipse – Priestess Lunaspyre shields an ally for 12 sec, absorbing 30000000 damage while also warding her enemies for 12 sec, absorbing 1000000 points of healing. If the shield expires, it inflicts the remaining absorption as Arcane damage to all enemies within 70 yds of the shield. Any ward that expires inflicts its remaining healing absorption as Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of the ward.
    • Lunar Beacon – Marks an enemy with Lunar energy, inflicting 700000 every 1 sec for 6 sec. When Lunar Beacon expires the target’s location will be bombarded by a Lunar Barrage every 1 sec for 4 sec. Each Lunar Barrage inflicts 700000 Arcane damage every 700000 and Silences while in the barrage area.
    • Moon Burn – Burns enemies with lunar energy, inflicting 600000 Arcane damage every 2 sec for 18 sec.
    • Lunar Strike – Summons lunar energy inflicting 585000 to 615000 Arcane damage.
    • Lunar Fire – Burns the target, inflicting 500000 Arcane damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.
  • Overview – The Engine of Souls exists within the corporeal realm while the corrupted soul of High Priestess Dejahna controls the Spirit Realm. Both share health and call upon the spirits and the undead to serve the Legion.
    At 30% health remaining, the Engine of Souls lurches forward and ejects The Desolate Host, a fearsome amalgamation of the corrupted dead.

    In Mythic difficulty, players are only able to voluntarily switch realms while under 50% health.

  • DeadlyDissonance – All creatures and players periodically inflict 292500 to 307500 Shadow damage to all players in the opposing realm within 8 yds.

Corporeal Realm

In the realm of the living, the Engine of Souls siphons fallen night elf spirits for the Burning Legion.

Spirit Realm

In the realm of the dead, High Priestess Dejahna’s soul has been corrupted into dark servitude.

  • TankSoul Queen Dejahna
  • Fallen Priestess
    • Shattering Scream – Releases a shattering scream at a player, inflicting 292987 to 308013 Shadow every 1.5 sec for 7.5 sec. Each hit reduces the target’s movement speed by 10% for 12 sec.
      This effect stacks. Upon reaching 5 stacks, it explodes for 399750 to 420250 Shadow damage and removes Bonecage Armor from all targets within 5 yds.
    • Spirit Chains – Spirit chains fly to a player, inflicting 633750 to 666250 Shadow damage and reducing movement speed by 50% for 30 sec. These chains prevent the player from using Soul Crystals.
    • ImportantBound Essence – Upon death, the caster loses Bound Essence and its essence transfers to the opposing realm.
  • Soul Residue
    • Soul Rot – Soul Residue leaves behind Soul Rot as it moves. Standing within Soul Rot inflicts 855000 Shadow damage every 2 sec and reduces damage done by 75%.
    • Soul Eruption – Upon death, explodes and inflicts 1121250 to 1178750 Shadow damage to all players within 5 yds, knocking them back.
    • ImportantBound Essence – Upon death, the caster loses Bound Essence and its essence transfers to the opposing realm.

Tormented Souls

Upon reaching 30% health, the Engine of Souls draws forth a vast number of tormented spirits to form the Desolate Host.

In Mythic difficulty, this begins a chain reaction that destroys the Spiritual Fonts.

  • TankThe Desolate Host
    • ImportantSundering Doom – Marks an area around a player, inflicting 8000000 Shadow damage to all players within 15 yds, divided evenly among targets struck in the corporeal realm.
      Additionally inflicts 10000000 Shadow damage to all players in the spirit realm. Players further away suffer less damage.
    • ImportantDoomed Sundering – Marks an area around a player, inflicting 8000000 Shadow damage to all players within 15 yds, divided evenly among targets struck in the spirit realm.
      Additionally inflicts 10000000 Shadow damage to all players in the corporeal realm. Players further away suffer less damage.
    • Torment – The Desolate Host periodically increases its damage done by 10%. This effect stacks.
      Additionally, if Sundering Doom or Doomed Sundering fail to strike any players in either realm, The Desolate Host gains 5 stacks of Torment.
  • Overview – The Maiden of Vigilance has been partially corrupted by the Legion, and wields both Holy and Fel magic in equal proportion.
    Periodically, all players will be infused with either [Light Infusion] or [Fel Infusion]. When players with opposing auras move too close together, the magics within them will react, triggering [Unstable Soul].
    [Unstable Soul] is also triggered by touching Fragments or taking damage from Hammers of an opposite element from your Infusion.

    In Mythic difficulty, Fragments not collected by players will trigger [Fragment Burst].

  • DeadlyUnstable Soul – Inflicts 508750 to 591250 Fire damage every 2 sec. After 8 sec the target explodes, inflicting 1397500 Fire damage to all allies. The target and allies within 5 yards will also be knocked back.
  • DeadlyUnstable Soul – Inflicts 508750 to 591250 Fire damage every 2 sec. After 8 sec the target will explode, inflicting 1182500 Fire damage. The target and allies within 5 yds will also be knocked back.
  • Aegwynn’s Ward – An ancient ward protecting the deepest reaches of the tomb prevents Unstable Soul explosions from affecting allies.
  • Aegwynn’s Ward – An ancient ward protecting the deepest reaches of the tomb prevents Unstable Soul explosions from affecting allies.
  • Fragment Burst – When a Fragment of Obliteration or Creation travels its full distance it explodes, inflicting 1480000 to 1720000 damage to all players.

Stage One: Divide and Conquer

The Maiden of Vigilance infuses and hammers her enemies with both Holy and Fel magic.

  • ImportantInfusion – Infuses players with either Fel Infusion or Light Infusion.
    • Fel Infusion – Infuses a target with Fel energy, inflicting 277500 to 322500 Fire damage every 5 sec. After 5 sec, moving within 5 yards of an ally with Light Infusion will trigger Unstable Soul.
    • Light Infusion – Infuses a target with Holy energy, inflicting 277500 to 322500 Holy damage every 5 sec. After 5 sec, moving within 5 yards of an ally with Fel Infusion will trigger Unstable Soul.
  • TankHammers – The Maiden imbues her hammer with either Holy or Fel energy and strikes the ground with tremendous force.
    • Hammer of Creation – Slams the current target with a Holy infused hammer, inflicting 2000000 Physical damage. Holy energy then radiates from the hammer, splitting 12000000 Holy damage between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in front of the caster. Creates an area of Light Remanence.
      Fel Infused targets become afflicted with Unstable Soul.
      • Light Remanence – Remanence left behind by the Maiden’s hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Holy damage every 5 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Light Echoes.
        • Light Echoes – A blast of Holy energy strikes all players within 4 yards for 323750 to 376250 Holy damage.
    • Hammer of Obliteration – Slams the current target with a Holy infused hammer, inflicting 0 Physical damage. Fel energy then radiates from the hammer, splitting 12000000 Fire damage between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in front of the caster. Creates an area of Fel Remanence.
      Light Infused targets become afflicted with Unstable Soul.
      • Fel Remanence – Remanence left behind by the Maiden’s hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Fire damage every 2 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Fel Echoes.
        • Fel Echoes – A blast of Fel energy strikes all players within 4 yards for 323750 to 376250 Fire damage.
  • Mass Instability – Instantly triggers Unstable Soul on up to 3 enemies.
  • Spontaneous Fragmentation – Summons 2 portals which summon Fragments of Obliteration or Creation that travel to the Maiden before triggering Fragment Burst.

Stage Two: Watcher’s Wrath

The Maiden of Vigilance jumps away, shields herself, and buffets the raid with Fragments of Creation and Obliteration.

  • Overview – Players begin the encounter facing the Fallen Avatar and Oath-Keeper Sacraya. The Fallen Avatar, trapped in titan machinery, assaults the players from his location while the now corrupted Oath-Keeper Sacraya also attacks.
    As the encounter progresses Containment Pylons activate around the room, pouring energy into the Fallen Avatar. Oath-Keeper Sacraya can absorb this energy. At 100 Energy, she casts [Cleansing Protocol], expending all of her energy.
    If allowed to reach 100 Energy, the Fallen Avatar shatters the floor, dropping players into the chamber below. Fallen Avatar now becomes fully mobile. Thanks to the infusion of fel energy from the Corrupted Pylons, the Fallen Avatar’s [Rupture Realities] now shatters the ground below him until the platform is completely destroyed.

Stage One: A Slumber Disturbed

Locked into an ancient titan device, the Fallen Avatar struggles to regain his full power by corrupting the machinery around him.

Stage Two: An Avatar Awakened

Upon reaching 100 Energy the Avatar shatters his bonds, destroying the platform and dropping players deeper into the Tomb of Sargeras.

  • Shadowy Imprint – The Fallen Avatar brands a target causing them to unleash shadowy energy after 6 sec sec inflicting 3410000 to 3590000 Shadow damage, divided evenly, to all players within 8 yards of the target, knocking them back.
  • DeadlyRupture Realities – The Fallen Avatar unleashes a blast of fel energy, inflicting 5000000 Fire damage to all players and shattering the ground below him. Players farther from the Fallen Avatar take less damage.
  • TankDesolate – Inflicts 6500000 Physical damage and increases damage taken from Desolate by 75% for 29 sec.
    This effect stacks.
  • Infernal Blade – The Fallen Avatar summons forth 5 blades around the platform that speed out in straight lines inflicting 740625 to 759375 Shadow damage to all players in their path.
  • Sear – Waves of heat emanate from the Fallen Avatar inflicting 125000 Fire damage to all players every 2 sec.
    • Fel Infusion – While the Fallen Avatar stands in lava, the damage of Sear is permanently increased by 25% every 2 sec.
  • Infernal Chaosbringer
    • Infernal Impact – The Fallen Avatar summons forth Infernal Chaosbringers that impact onto the platform, inflicting 1218750 to 1281250 Fire damage to all players. Players farther from the impact take less damage.
    • Calamity – Inflicts 8000000 Fire damage to all players and shatters the ground beneath the infernal.

Since striking the bargain that chased the draenei into the stars, Kil’Jaeden believed the Legion could not be stopped. Yet, none of his deceptions have prevented you from reaching this critical moment. Infuriated that Sargeras’ promise of victory has never come to pass, the demon lord prepares to face you himself, for a final battle that will shape Azeroth’s destiny forever.

  • Section 1
    • Tanks
    • Healers
    • Damage Dealers
  • Stage One: The Betrayer
    • Felclaws: Empowers Kil’jaeden’s claws with Felfire for 15 sec, causing his melee attacks to deal Fire damage, inflict 20% of his melee attack damage to all enemies in a cone in front of him, and to increase all Fire damage taken by enemies struck by 0% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Rupturing Singularity: Drops a pocket of extra-dimensional space onto the ship’s deck which ruptures on impact, inflicting 125000000 damage to players at the point of impact, an additional 1250000 damage to all players, and knocking them back.
    • Armageddon: Calls down a hellish rain of meteors onto the deck of the ship.
      • Meggido Rain: Calls a meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 13200000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 450000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 20 sec to any players hit. This effect stacks.
        If no players are hit by the falling meteor, it will cause Meggido Ruin.
      • Meggido Hail: Calls a massive meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 13200000 Physical damage immediately and an additional 450000 Physical damage every 2 sec. for 6 sec to any players hit. This effect stacks.
        If no players are hit by the falling meteor, it will cause Meggido Ruin.
      • Meggido Ruin: Inflicts 13200000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 850000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 30 sec to all players.
    • Shadow Reflection
      • Shadow Reflection: Wailing: Creates a Battleweary Reflection of the player after 7 sec sec.
        • Wailing Reflection
          • Sorrowful Wail: Inflicts 0 Shadow damage to all enemies within 0 yards and grants a stack of Crescendo.
            • Crescendo: Increases Shadow damage done by 100 %, and increases the area of effect of Sorrowful Wail.
    • Shadow Reflection: Erupting: Creates an Erupting Reflection after 8 sec.
  • Intermission: Eternal Flame
  • Bursting Dreadflame: Inflicts 2437500 to 2562500 Fire damage to the targeted player and all other players within 15 yards.
  • Focused Dreadflame: Inflicts 8000000 Fire damage to all players in a line in the direction of the targeted player, divided by the number of players hit.
    Each affected player also bursts into flame, inflicting 800000 Fire damage to all players within 5.
  • Rupturing Singularity: Drops a pocket of extra-dimensional space onto the ship’s deck which ruptures on impact, inflicting 125000000 damage to players at the point of impact, an additional 1250000 damage to all players, and knocking them back.
  • Armageddon: Calls down a hellish rain of meteors onto the deck of the ship.
    • Meggido Rain: Calls a meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 13200000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 450000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 20 sec to any players hit. This effect stacks.
      If no players are hit by the falling meteor, it will cause Meggido Ruin.
    • Meggido Hail: Calls a massive meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 13200000 Physical damage immediately and an additional 450000 Physical damage every 2 sec. for 6 sec to any players hit. This effect stacks.
      If no players are hit by the falling meteor, it will cause Meggido Ruin.
    • Meggido Ruin: Inflicts 13200000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 850000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 30 sec to all players.
  • Stage Two: Reflected Souls
  • Bursting Dreadflame: Inflicts 2437500 to 2562500 Fire damage to the targeted player and all other players within 15 yards.
  • Focused Dreadflame: Inflicts 8000000 Fire damage to all players in a line in the direction of the targeted player, divided by the number of players hit.
    Each affected player also bursts into flame, inflicting 800000 Fire damage to all players within 5.
  • Felclaws: Empowers Kil’jaeden’s claws with Felfire for 15 sec, causing his melee attacks to deal Fire damage, inflict 20% of his melee attack damage to all enemies in a cone in front of him, and to increase all Fire damage taken by enemies struck by 0% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Rupturing Singularity: Drops a pocket of extra-dimensional space onto the ship’s deck which ruptures on impact, inflicting 125000000 damage to players at the point of impact, an additional 1250000 damage to all players, and knocking them back.
  • Armageddon: Calls down a hellish rain of meteors onto the deck of the ship.
    • Meggido Rain: Calls a meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 13200000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 450000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 20 sec to any players hit. This effect stacks.
      If no players are hit by the falling meteor, it will cause Meggido Ruin.
    • Meggido Hail: Calls a massive meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 13200000 Physical damage immediately and an additional 450000 Physical damage every 2 sec. for 6 sec to any players hit. This effect stacks.
      If no players are hit by the falling meteor, it will cause Meggido Ruin.
    • Meggido Ruin: Inflicts 13200000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 850000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 30 sec to all players.
  • Shadow Reflection
    • Shadow Reflection: Wailing: Creates a Battleweary Reflection of the player after 7 sec sec.
      • Wailing Reflection
        • Sorrowful Wail: Inflicts 0 Shadow damage to all enemies within 0 yards and grants a stack of Crescendo.
          • Crescendo: Increases Shadow damage done by 100 %, and increases the area of effect of Sorrowful Wail.
  • Shadow Reflection: Erupting: Creates an Erupting Reflection after 8 sec.
  • Shadow Reflection: Malignant: Creates a Darkening Reflection of the targeted player after 8 sec.
  • Malignant Reflection
    • Malignant Anguish: Creates a pool of Soul Anguish that grows as long as the caster is channeling.
      • Soul Anguish: Silences, Pacifies and Inflicts 750000 Shadow damage every 5 sec. to players.
  • Shadow Reflection: Hopeless: Creates a Hopeless Reflection after 8 sec.
  • Hopeless Reflection: Hopeless Reflections are friendly to the party and can be healed by players.
    • Hopelessness: When the cast completes, or when the Hopeless Reflection’s health is completely restored, inflicts 5000000 Shadow damage to all players and creates a pool of Soul Anguish. The size of the pool and the damage dealt to players can be reduced by healing the Hopeless Reflection.
      • Soul Anguish: Silences, Pacifies and Inflicts 750000 Shadow damage every 5 sec. to players.